1. Add a camera flip icon to the Zap scanner. When my son wears his shirt, there is no way for him to see the capture animations. I bought the shirt so that HE could be WOWed by the app. Without the camera flip I am obligated to have the screen animations facing AWAY from the wearer (him). Without the wow effect, I might as well just put any old t-shirt on him and load any one of a dozen apps he likes to play and have at least the same effect. Also, users who are scanning product they are wearing have to scan blindly (holding the screen away), hoping they are capturing the content correctly.
2. Unlock the Zapped content for replay without rescanning the object. Otherwise I MUST have the purchased product(s) in hand in order to rescan and replay. If this is available, then it deserves to be documented better. So far it requires a rescan to relaunch any downloaded content. Without the unlocked replay ability the rewards of the app diminish sharply down to zero as soon as the shirt goes in the laundry (or isnt within scanning range). The reality is that users simply wont have all products on hand every time they want to use your app. Users who buy in based on this cool concept will quickly move on to something with easier replay ability. They paid money, why not let them keep the content? If youre wanting to build an empire of evangelizing users, you need to incent them beyond the initial conversion with loyalty benefits. Users will naturally promote apps/products/purchases that reward them, and avoid those that restrict/punish.
Z. Other than that, the concept IS enough to get me to spend the few extra dollars on a t-shirt to give the app experience a try. Now you just have to keep me. The game difficulty is scaled down to an accurate level for the wearer of the product. My son (age 4) was able to play a several times in a row without frustration and with successful completion. He loved it. Keep up the good work. Keep tweaking it up. So 2 stars for age appropriate difficulty and good concept.
HoChiMin87 about Zappar